© 2023 Charleston Pipe Band. All rights reserved.

Doctor Graham Scott had the good fortune of being introduced to PM Sandy Jones at the Charleston Highland Games in 1999. Sandy encouraged him to buy a practice chanter and Sandy’s bagpipe tutor book and meet him the following Monday evening for a lesson. Thus started a tradition of Monday night lessons that lasted until Sandy retired from The Citadel. For several years, Graham also attended the North American Academy of Piping and Drumming in Valle Crucis, NC, founded by PM Sandy Jones.

Graham joined the Charleston Police Pipes and Drums in 2001 and played in the Grade V band until 2020. Graham has expressed that playing the pipes has affected his life immensely, which is a sentiment that is echoed throughout the band.

Graham has served the band not only as a piper but also as the treasurer for many years, a position he holds currently. We are grateful that he keeps us in the black by managing our finances. Graham and fellow pipe band member Peter Armstrong founded, and ran for 25 years, the “PM Sandy Jones Indoor Invitational Bagpipe Competition” to honor all that Sandy had done for piping.

Graham also knows the lyrics and the history behind more Scottish songs than anyone in the band!  And—get this—when Graham was a younger man, he worked in Scotland painting the markings on the roads, and airforce bases. 

Graham was an Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia Medical Center and moved to the Charleston area in 1991 to join Charleston Pulmonary Associates (Pulmonologist, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine). He retired in 2021 and is now enjoying leisure time activities, such as traveling with his wife Sharon. Graham’s supportive wife Sharon is probably glad that Graham’s other hobby is a quiet one—stamp collecting.